On the RUN
Put your phone to work at Rutgers.
Be prepared when you arrive on campus to take advantage of the apps and services that will help you succeed.
Connecting to the RU Wireless Network
RUWireless is available to all current faculty, staff, and students with active NetIDs. RUWireless_Secure allows for users to download software on their machines and authenticate with the network.
The Official App of Rutgers University - Newark
Learn how the Rutgers Newark App is elevating your campus experience. You can search for a peer’s name, send them a friend request, and start messaging without ever leaving the app. Never worry about missing another registration deadline or campus event again. You can preview upcoming events and academic deadlines, linking them directly to your calendar. With in-app push notifications, you can receive important emergency notifications from the university.
Navigate Student App
Navigate Student provides students with tools and timely information to stay on track. Personalized Home Screen that lets you know what is going on today, including your class schedule and upcoming appointments. Notifications of the most important To-Dos and Events and information on how to follow through on related action items. Schedule your appointments directly from the app and have easy access to your advisor’s contact information.
Canvas App
Canvas is the university’s official learning management system (LMS) used for everything from assignments and syllabi to content sharing and discussion groups. Canvas Student allows students to access their courses and groups using a mobile device. Students can submit assignments, participate in discussions, view grades and course materials. The app also provides access to course calendars, To Do items, notifications, and Conversations messages.
RaiderLink (via Corq App)
Discover unique opportunities at Rutgers University-Newark through a search for events, organizations, and news. Instructions after downloading Corq: Once you download the Corq app, search for Rutgers University - Newark. From there you will sign in with your NetID & password. You now have access to Raiderlink!
Rutgers-Newark Handshake
Handshake helps students find the experiences they need to get career ready. From events like career fairs and workshops, to experiential opportunities like internships, fellowships, jobs, and more, find everything you need in Handshake!
Penji (Peer Tutoring Program)
The Learning Centers offers FREE subject-specific tutoring to assist Rutgers students with their coursework. We seek to promote a collaborative academic environment where students, faculty, and tutors work together to enhance students' academic and personal growth. Tutoring is available in two formats: drop-in tutoring through the Learning Centers and one-on-one tutoring.
Do you have an Xbox or Roku that needs connecting in your residence hall? Register your devices through a new self-service tool. To connect multiple devices, head to Kite+Key to pick up a network switch. Questions? Contact the OIT Help Desk for assistance.
Printing at RU-N
You asked for it, so we implemented it. RU-N now offers fully wireless printing. You’ll be able to print wirelessly from your phone, tablet, laptop, and any other compatible device on campus.
TransLoc (Rutgers Bus App)
The TransLoc App lets you see the real-time location of all Rutgers busses.