Laptop Kiosk
Laptop Kiosk
We’re pleased to announce new laptop checkout kiosks on campus! These laptop kiosks will give students, faculty, and staff greater access to technology while having the mobility to work in buildings and areas outside of the computer labs.
Our automated kiosks have a touch interface that allows any Rutgers University community member with a valid Rutgers ID card to borrow a laptop. Each kiosk provides access to 12 Dell laptops with the following campus software. Multiple kiosks are online; in Dana Library in the main lobby and in PRCC in the main lobby.
Kiosk laptops may be checked out for a maximum of 6 hours per session. Upon checkout, the user agrees to use the laptop within the building from which the check-out was completed. User should understand that documents or work must be saved to an external storage as they will be deleted if laptop is rebooted or checked back in.
Failure to return the laptop within the 6-hour limit or returning it in a damaged manner will result in a financial hold being placed on the user's account.
Any issues or questions regarding the laptop kiosks should be directed to help@newark.rutgers.edu.
More on Laptop Kiosk